Sankalp Bhoomi Trust

Sunitarani H. Singh

Founder Trustee, Team Member, Holy Sankalp Bhoomi Nomination Team @April-2006
Sankalp Bhoomi Trust, Baroda

  • Husband’s Name:
    Shri Hari Raj Singh
  • Date of Birth/Place:
    07.07.1965, Village-Fatehpur, Distt.-Bulandshahr, U.P.
  • Qualification:
    B.Sc. (Chemistry)
  • Occupation:
    Social Worker & Investment Adviser (ICICI)
  • Contact No./Email ID:
  • Social Activities:
    • Publicity of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s ideology
    • Encouraging child and women education
    • Discouraging social evils
    • Working for the expansion, development, and publicity of Sankalp Bhoomi Trust
    • Cooperating in event celebrations at Holy Sankalp Bhoomi, Baroda
  • Present Address:
    B-37, Bansidhar Society, Oppo. Vrundavan Flats, T.P.-13, Near Chhani Jakatnaka, Baroda-390024, Gujarat
  • Contribution to Sankalp Bhoomi Trust, Baroda:
    Helped establish Sankalp Bhoomi Trust with founder Ayu. Rajkumar Singh, his wife Late Rani Singh, my husband, Co-Founder Trustee Shri Hari Raj Singh, and other devoted members and social workers from Baroda and other parts of India. Worked for collection of funds and related activities for the development of the Trust, and pursued government authorities along with other trustees and active members for the Holy Place Sankalp Bhoomi, Sayajibaug, Baroda since its inception till date.
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